Sunday 31 March 2013

Monologue #1: A Broken Family.

Have you ever gone through this instance where your parents are soon about to split and you have to decide who's support will help you more in future, enough to raise you with the stress of work and being an only parent. You just can't even imagine how it would be if you were to be in that position to pick between both your parents. It gets tougher when it's your birthday and your father tells you that he loves you a lot and you suddenly remember that you decided to live with your mother. That is also the moment when you wonder if you're doing the right thing or not.
Most of you probably won't even be able to relate because apparently most of you have families that are way too happy to ever bring up such an intense situation.

I'm just talking about my personal issues here, though. I wouldn't expect anyone to possibly be able to relate to it ever because people may have family problems but they're not always the same now, are they?

So anyway, in my case, my dad has no idea that his actions and whatever he does all day long is part of my mom's knowledge and she had helpful sources who my dad is unaware about. My mom thinks he spends more time with another woman from his group of "friends". So, my dad has simply no idea that he is about to get divorced before the year ends. I don't know much of the reasons behind why my mom wants to divorce him but I bet they support her decision. She told me I wouldn't understand so I let it be. I still think if any of this is really going to happen or not. But my mom's trying her best to make it all happen and it shows. It's all got me wondering at what stage I am about to be in in the coming year.

Monologue #2: It isn't only about Love.

Some people, mainly those who are in their youth stage, like me, think that Love is all you need. It is a part of your needs, but it isn't the only thing. You might have friends who have boyfriends or girlfriends, and they seem to be very happy and then there's you, a single girl, who has no one to love her, respect her or make her feel good when she's feeling terrible, to cheer her up on her gloomy days, to call her beautiful when she looks like an absolute mess, to listen to her when no one else does. Relationships can have a bad effect on you too. It keeps your mind off studies and things that are more important and will help you more in the future. Sometimes you might fight with your boyfriend, and then cry, and maybe even go into depression. Listen to sad songs and just keep crying, thinking it will solve it? No, it won't. And then when your exams are going on, he's going to be the only thing on your mind, and you'll go blank while writing the paper. It has a very bad effect on you. Only a few smart ones know what's right and what's wrong for them.

It's like you've created yourself a box, and you don't have any idea about reality, about all the worse things going on in the outside world. You can't just stay in that box, create a world for yourself and live in it. You have to step out of it for a while, and take a look around. You've been living in a world, created by yourself, where the only thing that matters is love and friends. That's not right. It's just not right. The world isn't just about friendship, relationships or fun. It's also about hard work which gets you things that are a lot more important and will help you tremendously. And the box you've made yourself? You're going to have to get out of it eventually. And if you don't, you'll be in a terrible state.

In between living your happy life in the box, you should also think of cutting a hole in the box, just looking at what's going on outside your world and what's going on inside your world. You'll see a huge difference. How your world is full of happiness and all that you think is taking you towards the right direction. Well, the truth is that you're only partially correct. The outside world is a lot tougher, and it's right before your eyes. But once you pass obstacles that come in your way to be a successful person, you'll realize the inner happiness that arrives at your heart. It gives you a much happier feeling than being in your world.

For some people, it takes time to realize that life isn't just about happiness, it's about true, hard and dedicated work. It's about responsibility. It's about well-being. It's about being honest and reliable. Not just about love.

This is for all those who have fallen in the wrong path, by staying inside their box and never getting out, you've made a big mistake. And maybe, it isn't too late. So you can get out now, and experience reality. It's worth a try. And for some, it's too late. You wouldn't want to be one of those, would you?

Get out of your box - your little world. Step out, experience reality, pass obstacles and you'll soon realize that happiness cannot only be found in your imaginary world, it can also be found in the outside world.